Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Social Process Theories Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Social Process Theories - Research Paper Example The expansion of the theory of social control through the concept of Social Bond Theory that combines various kinds of bonds such as attachments to friends, family and siblings, commitments to one’s career, success and goals, involvements in sports teams, community services and religious groups and beliefs in honesty, justice and morality, together and justifies why an individual may observe law and order in spite of a variety of illegal activities offered by today’s society. IV. Labeling Theory: An Explanation of the concept of Labeling Theory, its prevalent practice and the corresponding negative consequences of this practice. V. Dramaturgy: An Analysis of the method of Dramaturgical Interviewing, its fundamentals and specifications. Also, a brief description of areas of its application and the criticisms leveled against it. VI. Conclusion: A concluding synopsis of the whole paper. Abstract The objective of this study is to understand the meaning of the term ‘so cial process theories’ and analyze some of the most important types of social process theories like the Social Learning Theory, the Social Control Theory, the Labeling Theory and the concept of Dramaturgy Interviewing. ... All in all, an endeavor had been made in this research paper, to paint an accurate picture of the prevailing social process theories, in the light of their analyzed meanings and their social relevance. Introduction â€Å"Social Process Theories, in Criminology, examine how social processes in the lives of humans influence their criminal behavior.† (Grana, 2010, p.70) These theories stresses that relationships play a vital role in deciding how an individual interacts with the world around him. It is sometimes due to these relations that people commit crimes. The learning of crimes is no different than any other kind of learning and it usually takes place in intimate and closed groups wherein the trade and tools of crime are learned. There are a number of social process theories, some of which we will discuss in detail in the following paragraphs. Social Learning Theory The concept of Social Learning is based on the view that a considerable amount of learning occurs through the observance and imitation of other people’s actions and the resulting consequences of those actions. There is no awareness about whether learning a certain act or trade is positive or negative, it is a non-judgmental process of learning from another being. Research suggests that this imitation of behavior is achieved without much Trial-and-Error processes. A person may imitate another flawlessly in the first chance itself . The person who is being observed or imitated is called a ‘model’ and the process of imitation is called ‘modeling’. Parents, elder siblings, peers, celebrities, all of them and more can serve as models to any given individual. Two individuals showcasing the same kind of behavior implies a common history of

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